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Natural Awakenings, Broward County, Florida

Enhance Wellbeing with Holistic Healing at New Start Nutri Center, Boca Raton

Discover a holistic approach to health and wellness at New Start Nutri Center, in Boca Raton. A family-focused practice, their dedicated team is passionate about promoting wellbeing through live blood analysis, mineral testing, and heavy toxin assessment.

Research indicates that three main factors contribute to degenerative diseases, including cancer: emotional conflicts, toxins in the bloodstream, and poor nutrition. To prevent such illnesses, it’s essential to maintain a balanced life, embrace a wholesome diet of natural foods, and ensure blood is free from harmful toxins.

Through live blood analysis, New Start Nutri Center can identify toxins in the blood such as excess sugar, uric acid crystals, and fatty plaques, as well as inflammation, acidity levels and other predispositions to illnesses. Mineral testing reveals deficiencies and/or imbalances that may affect overall health, including an excess of heavy toxins like aluminum, silver, and mercury. Armed with the knowledge from these analyses, clients make informed lifestyle changes, creating a healthier future.

For those seeking natural and effective ways to improve health, an appointment with Antonio and Viviani Lima, board-certified holistic health practitioners, may be an evolutionary step in that direction.

Location: 23257 SR 7, Ste. 104, Boca Raton. For more information and appointments, call 561-566-0019 or Instagram:@newstartnutricenter. Services in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

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