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Natural Awakenings, Broward County, Florida

, Membership is Free

As a member you can: manage and highlight your own Business Listing in our Directory, Promote Calendar events, Add Special Offers, and more.

The Free Online Business Directory Listing  
Natural Awakenings advertisers who have utilized our online customized, locally based, multi-faceted approach to marketing have significantly improved results in being discovered on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others, through online searches. As such, we use tools to take advantage of the internet and its unique ability to use algorithms to search, place relevant content, use cross-links in locating businesses, and improve search engine ranking. The design of our state-of-the-art digital platform is for local businesses. We are the "go-to" resource for our readers to locate the products and services that support their healthy lifestyle.  

Members/users may list their business in our Directory, add calendar items, create special offers, and more. 


STEP 1)  To become a member/user,  create an account using your email as a username and create a password. To complete the process, CONFIRM your EMAIL.

Direct link to sign in:

STEP 2) Once signed in use one of the following options, based on the type of device you're working on:

Option A) FROM A COMPUTER or TABLET style device:
From the bottom of your computer screen you'll see the New / Manage / Person Icon menu. Select NEW and scroll UP to select BUSINESS. You will see a new page that says Engaging Our Community Just Got Easier.  Enter the name of your business in the field (box) provided.

Select the THREE SOLID LINES to reveal the menu selections.  Scroll down. Within the "New" menu item, select Business. You will see a new page that says Engaging Our Community Just Got Easier.  Enter the name of your business in the field (box) provided.

BUSINESS BASICS:  Because our online Directory is hyper-local, one of the required questions is entering your physical business address. As the system is all about supporting the local businesses, this is done to "position" your account within an area (like your town or city).  Having the physical business address show online is OPTIONAL  —  you may choose to "hide" the address.  It is also the same for your email address, as that information is optional for public viewing, but is required to set up your account and for Natural Awakenings to be able to contact you by email.

PROFESSIONAL TIP: Use upper/lower case, making sure your business name reflects exactly the way you want people to see it. 

STEP 3)  Optional. Note that each new business (like our advertisers) are subject to a certification and approval process. Once you've created your Business Listing, email us to notify our Digital Department to begin that certification process for you.

Explore how our Advertisers Use Additional Online Tools outlined in our Professional Tip Series: promoting an event, featuring a YouTube Video, and more.
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