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Natural Awakenings, Broward County, Florida

Healing from the Inside-Out

Stress and the CNS

by TJ Robinson

According to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, five of the top 10 stressors (not ranked in order) are death; divorce; personal injury and illness; loss of employment; and retirement. Some of these five stressors may be experienced by a greater number of people today than in recent past years due to the 2020 pandemic. Stress affects the central nervous system (CNS) and can short circuit the communication in the body—like getting a distorted picture on the television.

One important structure which responds to stress that can get “stuck” constantly on “ready” or high alert is the reticular activating system, also known as the reticular alarm system (RAS). This structure, important to survival, is made up of neurons that are interrelated, and extends from the base of the head (midbrain) down through the lower back of the head (brainstem) and into the spinal cord for varied distances. RAS is the body’s “ready-alert” system. When activated, it increases the sympathetic nerve activity and adrenaline levels in the blood. The function of RAS is to save life, yet when chronically in high ready-alert state, there is a cost in terms of increased occurrences of stress diseases and more rapid aging.

Know there is a way to help cope with these stressors, restore clear communication in the body and help prevent future stress-related diseases and rapid aging. With craniosacral therapy (CST), a light touch, hands-on approach, the CNS (the body’s communication system) can be restored. The craniosacral therapist “listens”, with a highly calibrated light touch, to the quality of the craniosacral rhythm which the body regulates and maintains to feed and nurture the delicate nervous tissue. The therapist can “feel”, with the aid of this rhythm, where there are “stuck” tissues caused by stress. These stuck tissues can cause anxiety, lack of movement, pain and bodily dysfunction.

TJ Robinson, a local craniosacral therapist, knows firsthand the healing wonders of craniosacral therapy. Having suffered from both physical and emotional loss, she explains, “I know what craniosacral therapy has done for me in restoring my nervous system, relieving my pain and helping me feel good again. I want to do that for others. It takes time for the restoration, however, it is so worth it to have quality of life back.”

For more information and appointments, call 954-234-3299 and/or visit #totalbalance4u

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